Thursday, March 31, 2011

the disruptive nature of thoughts......

Music. Writing. Laughter. Connecting. Reflecting.

I am most myself when engaged in these things.

Music, particularly, is more than an interest or a hobby or something I do during worship service. I eat, sleep, and breathe it, cliche and all. There is a soundtrack for every mood, moment and occasion.

I have a friend who doesn't really listen to music. That baffles me. Better yet, I know of a woman whose husband hates music.

Hates music?!?!?!?

Now, there are some genres I'm not too crazy about, but to just pour it all into one bucket: the lilting, quirky beauty of folk music, the twang and heart of country, the pulsating invigoration of rock....and just throw it all out?


Lately, however, I've had a very subtle, unsettling thought, the kind that quietly causes me unrest, disrupting the flow of my life. These are generally the ones whose source is God because they are so stubbornly, often unpleasantly true.

..............Is it possible that I am too passionate about music?.....................Do I prize it over the Lord?..........

Music soothes me when I'm angry, celebrates and elevates my happiness, underscores and darkens my anguish. None of this is bad, per se.

But where is the Lord in the mix of all that? Do I reach for His arms when I'm stressed out, or do I turn on a song that I know will strike that proverbial chord in my spirit? Am I exchanging what is best for what is only permissible? He is a jealous God, after all. Maybe it bugs Him when I do that. After all, what He is, in all His splendor, is so much greater......all the facets and nuances of my beloved music are dwarfed by His majesty. I'm cheating myself in amounts ridiculous, really.

.....potent difference in singing about Him and singing to Him.....

just something to think about........cause I can't help but....

till we meet again......(I love the pauses created by superflous punctuation.) :o)

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